The end of an era – in & out

“The end of an era” is an audio-walk composition based on the written correspondence of Walter Benjamin with Gretel Karplus (later, Gretel Adorno) and Theodor Adorno, 1933-1940. Excerpts from the extensive mail correspondence together with fragments of their literary influences (translated in English and in spoken word), are composed in an itinerary that links together various landmarks in Portbou, where Walter Benjamin’s legacy dwells vividly, as his last place of residence. The audio-walk was originally presented as a geo-located composition, still accesible in Portbou through locative media platform. (résumé d'auteures)
Double recording in the streets of Portbou: both through listening to the creation on headphones, & capturing the outside sound environment.
Note technique
Double enregistrement dans les rues de Portbou : à la fois à travers l'écoute au casque de la création, & la captation de l'environnement sonore extérieur.
Cadre thématique
B-air : l'art infini de la radio
Preneur(s) de son
Dana Papachristou and Georges Samantas / cédric Pichat

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