Firenze – Piazza della Repubblica

Sound description
Piazza della Repubblica is an important square of the historic centre of Florence, built in the XIX century in the area of the former Jewish quarter. It is an average to small sized square, but it has literary cafes, a big carousel, street musicians playing and shops both for the tourists and the locals. It is a meeting place felt by people living in Florence more "theirs" than the other, more touristic, squares of the centre. The soundscape is chaotic and rich: totally different people and lifestyles cross each other, even for just a minute - and their sounds do the same, too.
Firenze Soundscapes
Research leader(s)
Valerio Orlandini
Sound recorder(s)
Valerio Orlandini
italie, italy, Piazza della Repubblica, Firenze, toscane, tuscany

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