« Shopping in the time of COVID19 » Soundwalk

Wednesday March 11 2020. Following yesterday evening recording: walking in the square market at Piazza Madama Cristina, district of San Salvario, Turin the morning after emergency disposition due to the epidemic of COVID19.
Start at 11:50 a.m., end at h. 12:15 p.m. duration of recording 25'1O''
Binaural recording made with ZoomH2n and Soundman OKMII, 16 bit, 48 KHz, stereo wav converted in MP3 320 kbit/s
As binaural recording is suggested headphones listening.
The entire path is associated with a synchronized GPS track recorded in the (kml, gpx, kmz) files downloadable here:
Responsable(s) de la recherche
giuseppe gavazza
Preneur(s) de son
Giuseppe Gavazza
Marcato di Piazza Madama Cristina, Torino, Italia

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